Manage data centers

When you open the Administration dashboard, you see an overview of your account - all data centers associated with your account with each data center’s summary.

The basic workflow of creating data centers and setting up a data import is the following:

  1. Create a data center.
  2. Select an existing data source or create a new one from which to import data.
  3. Configure data import.
  4. Get an overview and manage data sources and imports.

It is not required that you complete all steps at once.

Create data centers

You create a data center to have a dedicated data entity to encapsulate data from specific data sources. After you create the data center itself, you get its unique API key to connect your Sitefinity CMS instance or another system to the data center.

  1. To create a new data center either navigate to Administration » Data centers.
  2. Click the Create data center button.
  3. Enter a valid name and optionally, a description of this data center.

    NOTE: The name of the data center must be unique for this account.

  4. To create the data center, click Create this Data Center.

RESULT: Your data center is created. Click Go to data center to manage your data center and connect it to data sources.

To connect your data center to Sitefinity CMS sites, perform the procedure Connect to Sitefinity Insight.

To connect to other data sources, click Connect to a data source. For more information, see Data integration and data imports.

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