
Personalizing your content enables you to provide your website visitors with different versions of a digital asset or interaction. Thus, target user segments get tailored and relevant information that makes sense and is useful to them. For more information, see Personalization.

After you segmented your audiences and personalized their experience, you want to measure the results of your work and whether your audience segmentation is reasonable. For example, if you defined three user segments Developers, Marketers, IT Managers and you created different page versions to be displayed to each segment, you want to see whether the personalized pages are viewed at all. In addition, if your page serves more than one user segments by having different, personalized versions of widgets, you can measure how many times the widgets are viewed. For example, one widget may display pricing information to visitors with IT Manager role and the other may display content that calls to action to download a trial version of a software to visitors with Developer role.

Personalization reports tell you whether there are any developers, marketers, or IT managers that are visiting your site, and if yes – how many. In addition, you compare the potential impact of personalization on conversions.

NOTE: You need to define your segments and set rules when a visitor is associated with a specific segment. For more information, see Create user segments.

With Sitefinity Insight you can do this by tracking visitors' behavior on your site. You can:

  • Explore trends of personalization impressions on any page or personalized widgets on pages from your site
  • Compare impressions by segments
  • Measure whether and compare how personalization efforts influence conversions by segment, conversion definition, or touchpoint hits

To do this, you define a personalization report in which you specify which page to track and which conversion definitions you want to measure the attribution to.

You can track Sitefinity CMS personalized pages and widgets out-of-the-box. Personalization may be based on:

  • Sitefinity CMS user segments
    For example, track a page that displays a localized footer widget of a page, containing contact information, to visitors from different parts of the world.
  • Sitefinity Insight personas in Sitefinity CMS
    For example, you want to display different versions of a page or particular banner to visitors that are associated to the Developer and Manager personas you defined.

You can also track pages and applications that are not managed by Sitefinity CMS but still based on Sitefinity Insight personas. For example, you may want to track a mobile application that utilizes persona profiles or a site’s landing page that need to display different information to specific personas.

IMPORTANT: When personalizing a page that is not part of a Sitefinity CMS website and tracking it, you need to make sure you followed Sitefinity Insight conventions for personalization. For more information, see Personalize non-Sitefinity CMS pages.

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